Finding You the Help You Need

referral icon


In submitting the online form, you must be aware that any or all of the four organizations could be involved in the review process.

Not all mental health and addictions programs offered by these four organizations are part of the centralized intake (see the services page for more information). If your need for service cannot be met by any of those programs, we will direct you to the most appropriate service.

The electronic form is received by one of the facilitators as soon as it is submitted. You may print off the downloadable form and fax or mail it (located on the form), but the referral will not be processed until it is entered by staff into the electronic form.

Crisis Services

Crisis Services

The services offered through The Access Point Northwest are not crisis services. Please use Crisis Response Services if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Thunder Bay: 807-346-8282

District/Toll-Free: 1-888-269-3100.

What Do We Do?

Community Mental Health services within Alpha Court, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Thunder Bay, St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG), and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences (TBRHSC) have come together to offer a single access point and referral form for many of the services that they offer.

These organizations offer access to programs in outpatient mental health, supportive housing, case management, and chronic pain management that provide a range of options for clients needing these services. The purpose of the single access point is to reduce the confusion around where to go for help and the need to fill out multiple referral forms. A brief description of the broad mandate of each organization is below. For more information, please go to the organization's specific website.

Have any questions?

let us know by contacting us at...

(807) 624-3400 (807) 624-3525